165. Grace in Parenting with Judy McClintock
Parenting can be hard. If we are in a constant tug-of-war with our kids, we will never be able to truly enjoy our time together. At the same time, if we let go completely while they are pulling, they have no tension to keep themselves from falling.
So how do we meet each other in the middle?
Today, we are discussing the intricate dance of parenting with Judy McClintock, Family Ministries Director at North Canton Chapel. Judy was raised in a Christian home but walked away from the Lord in her late teens. By God’s grace, she found her way back to Him in her 20s. At this point, she had children and recognized that she wanted to be intentional in how she parented them.
Judy shares about how she navigates the ups & downs of parenting with God as her foundation. Parenting is like a dance. We must set healthy boundaries for our children while also creating a safe space for them to come to us with hard conversations. Building a relationship with our kids and having open lines of communication will give them the security and confidence they need to be open with us.
If we aren’t willing to have difficult conversations, they will seek answers somewhere else. The world is ready and willing to fill their minds with earthly answers, so we must be willing to step into the ‘hard’ conversations with them and combat the lies from the enemy.
Ultimately, our parenting relationship will reflect our relationship with God. In order to lead our children to Him, we must nurture our relationship with Him above everything else. If we are seeking the Lord, He will direct our paths.
Episode Highlights:
Background on Judy
Raising kids who love Jesus
Creating a safe space vs. knowing when consequences are needed
Gradually letting go of control
How to have healthy boundaries
Peer pressure & teaching opportunities
Relationship building & communication
Family Devotions
Navigating electronic/app usage
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