169. You Should Call Your Parents (Part 1)

Have you called your parents lately?

It’s easy to take your parents for granted, but the wisdom and guidance they can provide is so invaluable. Today we are chatting with my parents, Ken and Denise Karmie about parenting, faith, family, and friendship.

Ken and Denise have 7 kids - 5 of which are biological and 2 adopted, they’ve worked in foster care, coached sports, and always had an open door for their children’s friends. They strived to be a positive influence and a safe haven for kids from all walks of life.

Over the years, they have learned valuable lessons while navigating the ups and downs of life, and they are here today to share some of their insight with our listeners. We encourage you to listen with an open mind and heart and to take advantage of their wisdom. 

And we hope through this episode, you’ll be encouraged to reach out to your parents or those who have helped shape you along life’s way!

Follow the link below for a free PDF of interview-style questions to ask your parents or grandparents. Moments like these are opportunities for beautiful keepsakes. 

Episode Highlights: 

  • The importance of leaving a legacy.

  • Choosing what you invest in.

  • God put us here for a reason.

  • Navigating parenting adult kids.

  • A talk on picking your battles.

  • The importance of finding your tribe.

Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on A Force to Be Reckoned With:

A Summer to Remember Giveaway Details:

-Get the FREE PDF HERE (This enters you)
-Take photos while completing items on the list, and if you post them, tag @bethanyadkins  on IG. Each time you tag will be another entry.
-Get the family involved and make it fun! This might be a fun challenge to do with your kids, and if WINNER ANNOUNCED 8/15!


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Bethany Adkins