100. We Got Rid of Our Kids’ Screen Time and Here’s What Happened

Do you notice a change in behavior when your kids have had too much screen time or is it just us?

Today Corey and I are having a conversation about what happened when we realized that our kids were watching WAY too much tv. Our decision to get rid of screens may have felt like we were punishing ourselves in the beginning, but in the end what we took away and decided to implement going forward was not what we expected at all.

After over a year of living through a pandemic and being forced inside, we have decided to take ownership of the fact that we’ve been using screens a little too much. Today, we are doing something about it!

Stay tuned as we keep you posted on what’s to come during life without screens!

Things We Discussed In The Episode/Episode Highlights: 

  • The impact screen time has been having on our kids’ attitudes.

  • What happened when we took the tv away from our kids.

  • The importance of allowing our kids to be bored.

  • The importance of short term sacrifice for long term payoff.

  • Our decision to get rid of screens for 30 days.

More on The Millennial Mission/Links Mentioned in Episode:


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Samantha Schmeltzer