80. Stop Pretending to Have the Perfect Life: Your Struggles Are Your Victory Story

Today we are introducing our Thursday topic for February, and it’s a good one.

How many times have you felt less than, like a failure, or like you’re the only one with struggles?! We for sure have--and the easiest thing to do when we feel that way is to try and cover up those struggles, put on a facade, and move forward with life like everything is perfect. BUT what if we told you that what we’ve been learning over the years is that our struggles, our flaws, the most shameful parts about us can be used as our victory stories and change not only our lives, but the lives of those around us?

In February, we are chatting with people who have been dealt cards that no one would ask for, but at the end of the day they were given two choices:

1. Would they cave under the grief, and choose to fold, continue to hide their struggles, and try to deal with the pain behind closed doors? 


2. Would they rise up and use the most painful parts of their lives as a victory story and pull people out of the rubble with them?

Not only is this topic timely as we have all been dealing with different trials over the last year, but it’s so essential that we find the courage to use these trials and grow from them. God has given us gifts and talents to use for his glory, but he doesn’t just want us to use the pretty parts of our lives. We are given the ugly parts for a reason too. We are given these lives, and yes, even the hard days for a reason, so let’s dive in this month and try to determine how God might be using our own stories for His glory.

Things We Discussed In The Episode/Episode Highlights: 

  • How the ideals of having perfect highlight reels is actually preventing us from living out the lives that God has called us to

  • The freedom that comes with admitting our struggles, temptations, and imperfections

  • 2 Corinthians 12:9 boasting about our weaknesses

  • Our free download to take notes for each monthly topic!

More on The Millennial Mission/Links Mentioned in Episode:


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Samantha Schmeltzer