88. Should Mission Driven People Be Concerned About Their Health?

In this episode we introduce the topic of health. Now before you go running away… It is not what you are probably thinking. These popular dieting trends like Keto, Whole30, Paleo, and so on are not one size fits all, and often are not sustainable or practical for all people. But is it still important to take care of our bodies? Do these trends have anything in common? Do you feel like you have a good relationship with food or exercise? I know that both Beth and I did not, and it is still something that we still work through everyday. And how does exercise fit in? Is it important to still be active post high school and college? How will being healthy benefit the teacher, the iron worker, the stay at home mom, or the car salesman?

Let’s find out together.

Things We Discussed In The Episode/Episode Highlights: 

  • Did Bethany really quote Rocky as saying “Yo Julian”?

  • If athletes are training like entrepreneurs, and entrepreneurs are training like athletes, what does that mean for MISSION DRIVEN people?

  • What is going to help us step into our purpose even better?

More on The Millennial Mission/Links Mentioned in Episode:


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Samantha Schmeltzer