56. PARENTING: Is Pursuing Our Passions During Parenthood Selfish?

Becoming a parent is one of the most life altering things that we experience. It is a beautiful, fun-filled journey, but it also comes with much sacrifice.

In the early days, we give up sleep to care for an infant who can’t care for himself. In order to fill our homes with baby toys and accessories, we give up space in our homes where nice furniture used to sit. We give up our favorite television shows in exchange for PJ Masks or Mickey Mouse.

Date nights, motorcycles, long spa days, whatever it may be—we give it up. And we do it happily for the sake of loving our children well and putting them first.

But what about our callings? What about our God-given purposes? In order to prioritize our family, should we give them up too?

Read the full article HERE

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Samantha Schmeltzer