90. Is Health Really Just About Eating the Right Foods?! With Michelle and Brad Smith from the Whole Smiths

As you guys know, the focus topic for the month is health. But what does it actually mean to be truly healthy? If you’re anything like me, this is a question you’ve struggled to find the answer to.

Diet culture encourages us to believe the idea that if we find just the right fad, we will find the perfect body, be healthy, and have a happy life--but is that really the full picture?

Today, Corey and I are talking with Michelle and Brad Smith all about what it truly means to be healthy. Michelle is not only an amazingly successful blogger and podcaster, but an author, and she has also become a dear friend. We are so grateful to know her and Brad and share their insight with you guys. They are witty, fun, and full of great information.

The answer to the question about what it means to be truly healthy? Well, it might just surprise you. Maybe the answer to health isn’t one size fits all after all. Maybe it doesn’t even have to do with a diet at all. Listen to today’s episode to find out more!

Things We Discussed In The Episode/Episode Highlights: 

  • Healthy eating helps us feel our best to live out our purpose and life’s mission. 

  • How do we flip the restrictions of fad diets on their heads?

  • The Whole30, Keto, and Paleo have something in common.

  • Keep it simple.

  • What is the truly best way to eat?

  • Is it ok to eat Doritos and Oreos?

  • How do we teach our kids to eat healthy without damaging their relationship with food?

  • The importance of moderation.

More on Guest:

More on The Millennial Mission/Links Mentioned in Episode:


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Samantha Schmeltzer