150. All Good Things Must Come to an End

Man, oh, man. How in the world did summer fly by so quickly?!

It seems like just yesterday we were telling you all that we were taking a break, and now we are back recording. While the time flew by, we are so happy to be back in front of our mics.

Today, we are catching you up on our summer, life updates and what we learned during this break. While taking breaks in nothing new around here (we usually do two a year), we learn something new every time. 

This week we also did something that we’ve never done before. We phoned a friend on the spot to put them in the hot seat. It was fun, and we just might do it again.

We hope you enjoyed your summer and are as excited that this break is over as we are. We have so many amazing things planned! Be sure to follow the show (hit the + in the top right corner of Apple Podcasts) so you can get notified as soon as a new episode releases!

Episode Highlights: 

  • What we did over the summer.

  • What we learned over the summer.

  • What we are doing with the podcast.

  • Phoned a friend/special guest.

  • DRUMROLL: Life update from the Adkins.

  • Takeaways for you!

More on The Millennial Mission/Links Mentioned in Episode:

Episodes we have done on Breaks:


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Bethany Adkins